Converting ideas into Product
We will enable you to transform your product idea the initial concept to a final marketable product. We offer a complete package in designing electronic products right from design elements of the PCB, circuitry, firmware and the design of the hardware. We design the entire package and seamlessly integrate the electronics with the mechanical aspects.
With our dual-teams, we can offer hardware and software development under one roof. We also provide manufacturing support, with close partner relationships that ensure prototypes and products are designed to our clients’ specific requirements.
For example : A Nagpur based start-up wanted to develop a small tracking device for children which would generate an alert if the child crossed a certain geo- field. They came up with the concept .We took over from there and developed the entire product right from the electronics of the product, the GSM connectivity to the sourcing of the miniature batteries.
To give another example : A collector of milk from various farmers for a large dairy wanted a device which could immediately weigh the milk, provide analysis of the fat content and give the farmer an immediate acknowledgment from the dairy recording the above data. A device was developed which when mounted with proper sensors, processed the signals, made the computation and generated a report from a centralized data center.
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